"This ministry not only supplies the needs of the saints but overflows with many thanksgivings to God."  2 Cor 9:12

Our giving sustains our church buildings, sacred places dedicated to worship, prayer and witness.

Our giving sustains our clergy, here and across our diocese and helps train new clergy.

Our giving sustains mission both here in the UK and overseas.

Our giving sustains our ministry.

St Mary's

Donate to St. Mary's 

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Donate to St. Michael's  

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Donate to St. Thomas'


Donate to St. Mary's: If you are a regular worshipper at St Mary’s and give in the offering on a Sunday morning, you may want to move to a different way of giving. Download a stewardship questionnaire and gift aid form here.  We will gratefully accept donations via any of the following means:

1. Via bank transfer or standing order using the information below.
2. Via ChurchSuite or use the ChurchSuite app if you are a St Mary’s Church Member.
3. Via JustGiving
4. Via post.   Please make cheques payable to "St Mary's DCC" and send to: St Mary & All Saints, Church Office, The Fitzwilliams Centre, Windsor End, Beaconsfield, HP9 2JW 

Our bank details
Payee: Beaconsfield Parochial Church Council
A/C Number: 01501569
Sort Code: 60-02-09
Bank: National Westminster Bank, Beaconsfield Branch, 1 Penn Road, Beaconsfield, HP9 2PU
Please let Deborah Forrest know by email.

Thank you for your generosity.

 St Mary logo

Donate to St. Michael's:

  • For regular or one-off giving, please use our Parish Giving fundraising page.
    You can also scan this QR code, using the code
     270627568 for St. Michael's.  If you would rather call them, please do on 0333 002 1260.

    QR code                                                                              

Thank you for your generosity.                                                              St Michael Logo
                                                                                                      St Michael's & All Angels


Donate to St. Thomas':

  • For regular giving, please contact the church office to set up a standing order. 

Thank you for your generosity.

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