St. Mary & All Saints Church, Beaconsfield has served the community since at least 1210.  Today we continue to serve, aware of our history, living in the present and looking with hope to the future.  There is always a great deal going on, so please contact us if you have any questions.

Read St Mary's annual report and accounts 2023 here.

Read our welcome leaflet here.

St Mary Church284

We are part of the Beaconsfield Team Ministry, a group of three Church of England churches in Beaconsfield.  Please follow the links for details of our services and ways to get involved with our church.

Revd Lucy Fyfe-Jamieson

Lucy Fyfe-Jamieson, Vicar

The Revd Lucy Fyfe-Jamieson our vicar

Ordained in 2020, Lucy served as a curate in Canterbury until she moved to St Mary's in 2023.  She appreciates the team aspect of serving our churches in Beaconsfield as well as being part of the wider community. Lucy is excited to see how God is calling us in relation to children and young people's ministry and also as a church committed to caring for God's creation. 


Margot Suter

 Margot Suter, Associate Priest

Prior to her call to ministry, Margot was an active member at St. Mary’s where she worshipped with her family and worked as Deputy manager of a nursery school. Margot was ordained in 2016 and served her three-year curacy at Christ Church, Flackwell Heath. Now as Associate priest at St. Mary’s, her role includes oversight of Pastoral care. She is married to Hugh, our Buildings Manager. 


Wendy Godrich

Wendy Godrich, Churchwarden 

Churchwardens, with the Vicar, are responsible for the day-to-day functioning of the church and the parish. Wendy has worshipped and been part of life at St Mary’s for the last 24 years.



Harriet Baldwin, Churchwarden 

Churchwardens, with the Vicar, are responsible for the day-to-day functioning of the church and the parish. With her family Harriet has been part of the St Mary’s church community for over 25 years.


Hugh Suter

 Hugh Suter, Buildings Manager

Hugh is responsible for the letting of any rooms in the Fitzwilliams Centr, our hall, and looks after the church and hall buildings. Hugh has been a member of St Mary's for over 20 years and is married to Margot, our Associate Priest

Tel: 01494 677064


Deborah Forrest

Deborah Forrest, Office Manager - Finance

Deborah is in the office Mondays and Tuesdays and works Wednesdays from home.

Tel: 01494 676690


Tamara Reading, Office Manager

Tamara is in the office daily from 10am-12noon

Tel: 01494 676690


Christine Adali, Office Manager

Christine works across all three team churches and is at St Mary's on Thursdays and Fridays.

Tel: 01494 676690


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