Community Magazine
Welcome to the magazine for the community of Beaconsfield
Founded over 100 years ago as the Beaconsfield Parish Magazine, it has evolved into a high quality award winning monthly magazine of 52 pages. The change of name was to reflect more truly the aims and readership of the magazine.
We aim to provide current news and information on activities in Beaconsfield from toddler groups to teenage clubs, lunch clubs for older people and numerous societies to meet a range of interests. The magazine also contains a Calendar of forthcoming events, useful local contacts and advertisements offering a range of services to meet everyday needs.
The annual subscription is only £15, and we would love to sign up new subscribers for the current year. Contact subs@
To go to the Magazine's Website and view last month's magazine please click here
Editor – Margaret Mardall
07919 028741 -
Advertising Manager – Margaret Mardall
07919 028741 -
Subscriptions – Sally Masters
07919 028741 -
Editorial –
We welcome contributions, comments and feedback. The copy deadline is the 8th of the preceding month.
Beaconsfield Community Magazine is an activity of the Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of Beaconsfield (Registered Charity no: 1132259) at The Parish Office, The Fitzwilliams Centre, Beaconsfield, Bucks, HP9 2JW