make a change

Beaconsfield Team Churches is committed to supporting the following 5 charities:

  • Newham Renewal The Renewal Programme provides advice and support to the most vulnerable residents of Newham through person-centred and holistic practical assistance, advocacy, and community action projects. Their aim is to transform and empower those within the borough by forming a community cohesion and providing a support base for residents living in one of London’s boroughs affected most by poverty and inequality. 
  • Mission Aviation Fellowship Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) is an international Christian organisation whose mission is to fly light aircraft and to use other technologies to bring help and hope to people in some of the world’s poorest communities.  Millions of people cannot access basic medical care, clean water, schools or receive the Good News of God’s love, simply because it’s too dangerous or time-consuming to reach them.  MAF provide flights for 2000 aid, development and mission organisations to enable them to transform lives.
  • Sharon International Ministries SIM is an Indian Charity responsible for providing free education to children from the lowest castes (Dalit/ Untouchable) families in a rural part of SE India. In England SIM raises money to pay the teachers salaries. 

  • Embrace the Middle East Embrace are a Christian development charity tackling poverty and injustice in the Middle East in three major areas, providing relief to people of all faiths or none.  They believe education is the key to tackling poverty and creating hope for the future and so investing in education is one of the most powerful and effective ways to lift people out of poverty. Community development projects change lives and Embrace’s Christian partners work to bring communities together through projects like women’s empowerment, training, and reconciliation programmes. On Healthcare, Embrace’s Christian partners work in many areas, including hospitals, mobile clinics and nutrition programmes.
  • New Generation Burundi Our support for the New Generation Project in Burundi continues. Regular income is so helpful to this charity which, through this programme, has a continuing need to support the many street children and orphans in one of the world's poorest countries. New Generation believes that children and young people are the future of Burundi. 

These charities are nominated for a three-year period, during which our Outside Giving Committee is in regular contact, receiving updates on their work.  Please click this link for the 2023 update.

Beaconsfield Team Churches currently give 8% of donated income to support these charities.

  • Beaconsfield Advisory Centre (BAC)

    In addition we support BAC year by year.